#Root Canal

Root Canal

At AlKhaleej Clinics

Root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, is a vital dental procedure that can save a tooth suffering from infection or severe damage. At AlKhaleej Clinic, our expert endodontists use advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to deliver precise, pain-free root canal treatments. Our goal is to preserve your natural tooth and alleviate discomfort, all while ensuring a smooth, comfortable experience. Whether you're experiencing tooth pain, sensitivity, or an infection, trust our specialized team to restore your oral health with exceptional care.


Certified Dentist

At Alkhaleej Hospital, we prioritize safety and leverage advanced technology for exceptional care.

Latest Technology

Our experienced team at Alkhaleej Hospital ensures exceptional care and expertise.

Best Results

Equipped with modern technology, Alkhaleej Hospital utilizes state-of-the-art equipment for superior healthcare.

#Root Canal

Our Root Canal Procedure

Diagnosis and Evaluation:

During your initial visit, our endodontist will perform a comprehensive examination, including X-rays, to assess the extent of the infection or damage and determine if root canal treatment is necessary.

Anesthesia and Sedation:

Before beginning the procedure, local anesthesia will be administered to numb the tooth and surrounding area to ensure your comfort. If you experience dental anxiety or fear, sedation options may also be available to help you relax during the procedure.

Removal of Infected Tissue:

Our endodontist will create a small access hole in the tooth and use specialized instruments to carefully remove the infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth, including the pulp and nerve.

Cleaning and Disinfection:

Once the infected tissue is removed, the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to remove any bacteria and debris, preventing further infection.

Sealing and Restoration:

After cleaning and disinfection, the root canal is filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha to seal the tooth and prevent recontamination. The access hole is then sealed with a dental filling or crown to restore the tooth's strength and function.

Root Canal:

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves removing infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth, including the pulp and nerve, to eliminate infection, alleviate pain, and prevent further damage to the tooth. Once the infected tissue is removed, the inside of the tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to restore its strength and function.

About Our Clinics

Benefits Of for Root Canal Treatment At AlKhaleej Clinics

Pain Relief: Root canal treatment alleviates tooth pain and discomfort caused by infection or damage, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with ease.

Preservation of Natural Tooth: Root canal treatment allows you to preserve your natural tooth and avoid the need for extraction, maintaining the integrity of your smile and preventing further oral health issues.

Long-Term Success: With proper care and maintenance, a tooth treated with a root canal can last a lifetime, providing durable and reliable function for years to come.

Personalized Treatment: We take the time to understand your unique needs and goals and tailor our treatment plans to achieve the best possible results for you.

  • Pain Relief
  • Preservation of Natural Tooth
  • Natural-Looking Results
  • Personalized Treatment
We Care For Every Patient

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# Before and After

Before & After Dental Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

A root canal is a dental procedure designed to remove infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth, including the pulp and nerve, to eliminate infection, alleviate pain, and prevent further damage to the tooth.
Contrary to popular belief, root canal treatment is not typically painful. Local anesthesia is used to numb the tooth and surrounding area before the procedure begins, ensuring your comfort throughout the treatment. In fact, root canal treatment is often sought to relieve the severe pain associated with tooth infections.
The length of a root canal procedure can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the location of the affected tooth. On average, root canal treatment can be completed in one to two visits, with each appointment lasting approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
Root canal treatment offers several benefits, including pain relief, preservation of the natural tooth, prevention of further infection or damage, and restoration of the tooth's strength and function. With proper care and maintenance, a tooth treated with a root canal can last a lifetime.
After a root canal, you may experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity in the treated tooth, which can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Your dentist will provide you with post-operative instructions to follow, including how to care for the treated tooth and when to schedule a follow-up appointment.
If left untreated, an infected or damaged tooth can lead to more serious oral health problems, including abscess formation, bone loss, and even tooth loss. Additionally, the infection can spread to other parts of the body, potentially causing systemic health issues. Root canal treatment is often necessary to save the tooth and prevent these complications.